Insane Logic behind the impossible quiz 2:
1. Up his sleevies (ARMies, SLEEVies, get it?)
2. Paint
3. Earth (, because the rest are candy bars)
4. American (A merry can)
5. Type what Frank tells you to (either arse, carrot, or udder)6.
8 (sentence has 8 letters)
7. Press the right arrow (On your keyboard)8. 10 letters in
9. Click the creature several times. Click the bubble on the right for hidden skip #1.
10. Click and drag "the penguin" to reveal the answer.
11. Follow the directions. Don't touch the blue parts and don't release the mouse button until the end.
12. Fine (its right side up, but upside down to the upside down question)
13. Lederhosen (has the word ‘hose’ in it)
14. Click the 14 twice (drag the dots around so that the red markings line up with the white boxes to make letters)
15. A backwards dog (lol)
16. Chris (you can see it in the credits)
17. Touch the brown balloon with your mouse, but don't touch any of the others. It's best to start with your mouse at the top of the screen then move into position
18. Fly sandwiches
19. Fusestopper
20. Turn on the light then pop the guy's zits. (Pop the zit on the guys ear to get a fusestopper)
21. 30 (under "other impossible quizzes")
22. Pink Clouds
23. Drag the circle around 23 to the appropriate spot to win the game
24. Space ( It’s under the sea/’c’. The space bar is under the “C” key)
25. When it's a jar (ajar, get it?)
26. You run. You run so far away. (It’s a song by a band called ‘a flock of seagulls. If you’ve heard it, it’ll make sense)
27. Press 1 on the keyboard. (its tells you to, “press one”
28. It's Sparta (duh)
29. Move the mouse to the small area to the right of the stream of water to find a gem. If you accidentally uncover a bomb, drag it to the water to put it out. Under search is a green bomb, let it blow up for a skip.
30. Click the 0 in 30.
31. Drive down the M4 (Get two whales, to wales….)
32. Click the finger (to pick nose. You pick your nose with a finger, right?)
33. Click the 33 (it looks like a pair of bare arses)
34. Click the death button
35. Aim for the face (hahah)
36. Tequila (to kill her)
37. Move the mouse off the flash window and an elephant will fall.(elephants don’t like mice)
38. Mash two of the arrow keys at the same time repeatedly or hit the space bar repeatedly to fill the meter.
39. Same as 11, only your pointer disappears. Use the circles to guide you.
40. Toucan (two can)
41. Wait for one of the circles to shrink, then click it. In the bottom-right corner is a fusestopper.
42. Drag the guy's fist and drop it on the other guy. (this one is rlly pointless)
43. This one somewhat requires that you've played the previous impossible quiz. It pops up a random question from it until you get one right. So either be good at guessing or play through the first one.
44. What you say!!
45. Click the second E in "I see" (it'll turn green) then the I, then the E, then the I, then the O in "O RLY?"
46. Around Orion's waist
47. Universal Serial Bus
48. USB Port
49. Follow frank's directions. Be careful not to do anything if it doesn't say "Frank Says" at the top, though, or you’ll DIE
50. Click the dog's mouth to chew the bone, then move your mouse over it to "pet" it
51. Click "came last" (it will turn into camel)
52. Move the mouse back and forth over the lamp to clean it.
53. Click next to the G (notice it looks like an arrow)
54. There is a little mouse tail near the bottom right corner. Put that mouse onto the circle. (the ‘mouse’)
55. Pokemon (Poke him on)
56. lol micropenis (wtf)
57. Four
58. Press Space (It's displaying the exosphere, AKA Space)
59. Grab and move the "R" in Varnish to change it to VANISH
60. Just keep dragging the cat down as quickly as you can.
61. To get to the other side.
62. Edam (edam is made backwards)
63. Press the "Quality" thing on the bottom of the screen. Type "Q" on your keyboard to get a skip.
64. May want to use one of your bomb defusers here until you get it memorized. There are 6. The Planet, a very small cloud missing on the right side, near the missing cloud one of the mountain tops is missing it's peak, a crease under the critter's eye, the smallest tooth closest to it's cheak is missing, at the very bottom near it's right hand the ground is a different color.
65. Goat's Blood
66. Click all the lighter colored leaves off the body. (Also, hit the flower on it's necklace for a bomb defuser)
67. Invisible maze, go to the green light on the left first, then get the key and head through the sliding walls to the finish. When you hit the green dot you get a message saying "To remove the universe the code is 8275" You need it later for question 100
68. Checkpoints are for the weak and mentally challenged. (because its true)
69. Press the bomb when it hits 2 (because 69-67 = 2)
70. Click the screen first, then memorize how many times that Chris the cat got beaten till faint (remember how many punch the gangster's hand had punched him till he faint) You need it for question 75
71. 28.8kbps modem
72. violence
73. cut the tree thingy quick (I like this one )
74. No (just because)
75. Replica to Q70,how many punch land chris to faint
76. AIDS
77. A fat bloke
78. Err... for this turn the wheel of the box till the box open.
79.Take the Dragon the 'On' to the circle (Dragon, Drag-on, yeah?)
80. A corpse bra (blue tits)
81. 2nd row the bottom one the 4th one (looks like a duck >.< from left to right)
82. Click obvious when the bomb starts flashing or gets to 2 (If you think long enough *meaning to wait a while* the answers obvious* click obvious*)
83. Drag the screen away (theres a hidden platform when u drag the circle,then click next.)
84 blue red blue yellow... tip before the game (This is one of the questions from the previous impossible quiz
85. NEVAR! (on Splapp-me-do’s deviantart page
86. type U on your keyboard
87. Look for the arrow instead of the carrot
88. dont do anything, the bomb is a dud
89. you would have thought one of them would have ducked (they walked into a bar, yeah)
90. TL:DR
91. Click her head when the target appears. The cursor has to be somewhat on the center point or the center lines for this to work. Otherwise, you miss and you die
92. none, im on the impossible quiz question no. 92
93. Click "the odd one out"
94. Silence (it breaks when you say something)
95. Click the numbers in ascending order, then click "enough" that will appear on the top left of the picture (-15, -4, 0, 2, 15, 15.1, 76, 151)
96. Click the number of lives you have (it’s the smallest there)
97. Click 'K" in "BLACK". (it’s the center of ‘black hole’)
98. 5
99. Burst 99 red balloons. Blue makes you lose a life, Green will minus one (balloon), and black will kill you
100. Click 8275 then click the red (flashing) lever
101. Type "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
102. Drag away all the pictures, then click chris' face
103. Red
104. Clean the windows. I usually use the fuse stopper.
105. Click the switch behind the question number
106. Remove the eye of the left thing and put it one the metal thing in the middle, then drag the ball in the hand into the place where the eye originally was
107. A question from this quiz will come out. Click where the answer can be found for that question.
108. Follow the green arrow The maze disappears instead of your cursor (it's best to rmb the path)
109. Graphite
110. Click the red squares
112. Drag the can of food to the can opener. Use the mouse to operate the can opener by going round and round. When the can is open, drag it to the dish
113. Click the colour of the word "nicest"
114. Use the left and right keys of the keyboard to brush the teeth
115. Caturday
116. Drag the shapes into the box
117. A question from Giucob’s impossible quiz.
118. don't do anything, it’s a dud
119. type "horse", then "peanut" then "chihuahua"
120. Changes each time. You need to pay attention. This question pertains to the question numbers of the quiz. So far, I’ve only beaten it twice, and the two answers I’ve come across were:
‘What was the second maze question’
‘Which of the following question numbers was red?”
43 (it’s the one from the previous impossible quiz, hence why its red)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
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